Our students are diverse in musical tastes and learning methods, so it makes sense that our teachers are too. We invite musicians from all music styles on any instrument to get in touch with us if they are interested in teaching with Most Entertaining.
- Selection process
We reply to all applications that we receive from music teachers. Successful applicants are invited to interview.
Some of our tutors have impressive music qualifications, others are self-taught and have none. We don't just look for qualifications, because so many good musicians don't have them or even need them. If you are a talented musician that can inspire and develop an individual in your particular music field, we will be keen to meet you. Reliability is also a quality we look for when recruiting new teachers. - Background checks
All of our teachers are required to have the relevant background checks (eg. CRB, Disclosure Scotland) in place before we pass on any students. We help make this process straight forward and this can be arranged relatively quickly should you not already have this. - Employment Status
All of our teachers work with Most Entertaining as self-employed individuals and as such are resposible for their own taxes and National Insurance. We can however offer assistance with tax returns.